If you stuggle to write interesting bass/melodic lines, want to quickly test some presets, or just need some quick inspiration for MIDI patterns, then our Quick Bassline Melody Generator Rack rack might just help.
What is it?
This rack is designed to allow you to get your creative juices flowing and generate interesting bass or melodic patterns with ease. The rack consists of 3 elements. Firstly the MIDI pattern generator - we use Sting by Skinnerbox which is free to download, but you can use any similar alternative. Secondly our Stay In Key rack which allows you to choose what key you want your pattern to be in. Finally we leave space for you to drop your instrument of choice.
How to install and use this rack?
To install, navigate to your user library and locate where your Instrument racks are stored. Then drop this .adg file in that folder and open it in your next session.
Its use is fairly simple and can be done in any order but here is our suggestion. Load the instrument rack onto any MIDI channel. Choose which key you would like the track to be in by adjusting the first macro of the Stay In Key section. Next, choose between scale types of Major & Minor by moving the 2nd macro hard left for major or hard right for minor. Drop any instrument into the instrument rack in the gap. Then on the Sting device press the acid smiley face to begin generating patterns and adjust other parameters to taste. Our video shows this device in use. Any questions let us know.
Other information...
The rack uses mostly Ableton's native effects and requires Ableton Live Suite v11.1.6+. The only external device is Max for Live device Sting by Skinnerbox which is free and might require an additional download from here to get the full rack to work.
Ableton Quick Bassline Melody Generator
- Ableton Live Suite v11.1.6 (or higher).
- Sting by Skinnerbox Max for Live Device found here
9kb Uncompressed