For those of you interested in generating some synth stabs/chords inside of Ableton, inspired by the early sounds of rave, then this is the rack for you.
What is it?
This rack is an easy way of generating old school chords & stabs from a single note. The rack comes with preset macros for all the commonly used chords in this style which allow you to easily skim through each chord. The 8 chords included are Major, Major 7/9/11 & Minor, Min7/9/11.
How to install and use this rack?
To install, navigate to your user library and locate where your MIDI Effect racks are stored. Then drop this .adg file in that folder and open it in your next session.
Its use is fairly simple. Load the rack onto your MIDI channel and it will be placed before your instrument. Draw/play some MIDI (just a single note), adjust any of the racks chord macros all the way to the right to enable them, and you should have some chords generated. To turn these chords off, turn the macros back to the left, especially before experimenting with another macro/chord, as you will get an unpleasant cluster of notes if you don't. Any questions let us know.
Other information...
The rack uses only Ableton's native MIDI effects (specifically its Chord effect) and should open in most versions of Ableton.
We have included just the chords that are common in this style, but feel free to make edit suggestions if you think we have missed any.
Ableton Rave Stabs/Chords MIDI Rack
- Ableton Live v10.1.2 (or higher).
5kb Uncompressed